Friday 17 April 2009

Sick long delayed update

basically i've been running like shit online, and i didnt feel like talking about it especially as it was still happening.

All in all im only down about 4-5k$, and i ran something like 8k down below in EV, so basically ran worse than i ever thought possible.

I've decided to stop playing SNGs for the time being; that said i will still be coaching for SNGs as i feel i am a big help to anyone who wants to get very good at SNGs. I will be focusing on my Omaha cash game from now, im playing PL100 to start and its going fine, ive been mixing in some MTTs too which are kinda worse than SNGs in terms of variance, but overall more fun.

Life; i went to nottingham in march for a tournament i qualified for last year and came 12th out of 300, kinda sucked. I played the cash games up there and finished a few hundred up tho, the experience was fun and the place is really amazing. Talking about live games, i've been going up to my local casino late nights to play some 4-6 card Omaha games, which im prob about 500 up so far over about 15 hours of play or something.

SO basically, ill be posting alot more from now on and hopefully i can keep everyone reading again, i still get hits to the site and i havent posted in 2-3 months so hopefully this will do, until i post again.

Im having so much fun learning + playing omaha atm, and its paying off, i feel myself getting better at the game everyday, and i have a good mentor available to me on msn who plays 5/10 10/20 omaha, he has defo helped my game alot.

Ok so ill post new updates in a couple of days or a week once i have some more hands @ PL100 logged so i can post some results/hands/views etc.

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