Saturday, 21 June 2008

Week 3.

Not so good, as i was doing well as usual at the 10 max games, i decided to take a shot again at the 200$ 6 max games, and run awfully bad again, which really sucks. so total no i have lost over 8000$ at the 200$ games, an i wont be playing them again for at least 2 months, i've made a promise to myself i wouldnt, even though im +EV in the games, i still cant handle it yet.

so since last week, i've made 3700 in 10 max games, but have lost 6000 in 100-200$ 6 max, which sucks.

so im down 2000$ this week. next week i hope to post my results without having them crippled by the huge losses at the 200s.

so, week3: 20 hours played, -2000$

on a side note, i whacked 500$ on stars to build a bankroll there while im not playing at ipoker, im starting at the 6.50$ games an working my way up, i've played over 300 games there this week, and am up 300$ there... ship it.

Also i've reached 20th in the leaderboards already, hoping to improve on that.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Week 2.

i remembered again post this weeks resuls, as followed:

10th june: 4.5 hours played, -1700$
11th june: 4 hour played, -+0$, break even.
12th june: 1.5 hour played, +1500$
13th june: 8 hours played, +700$
14th june: 2 hours played, +500$.

So overall a good week, had some biggish swongs but it turned out ok.
Total week2: 20 hours played, 1000$ profit. 50$ per hour without rakeback.


As you know i went to bristol for the regional finals of redtooth poker league, basically there is different 13 week leagues all around the uk, and then top2 from each league go through to the regional finals.

This event started at 2pm on sunday, an had about 100 entrants, places 1-8 got a spot in the national finals next march, 1st place got a measly £100. Anyway i finished 5th an got a spot in he finals which was cool, i got knocked out when i shoved QQ UTG with 5BBs, only to get called by AK and AA, AA held up.

The final should be cool though, its a bigger prize pool and it will be a good experience for my live play.

Saturday, 7 June 2008

June Week 1.

So heres how the first week has gone.
Between the 1st and 4th, i kinda didnt keep detailed track of my results as i only thought of doing this from the 5th so:

1st-4th June: around 10 hours played, total profit 2400$.
5th June: 2.5 hours played, 300$ profit.
6th June: 7 hours played, 70$ made.

Week 1: 20 hours played. 2770$ Profit.

I didnt play any today because im going to bristol tomorow for a poker tournament, nothing big, but i wanted a break from poker for the weekend. So a good solid first week, especially for the first few days. Going to put in a heavy volume next week.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Random results + June goals.

I'm waiting for a tournament to start on Everybodies golf for PS3, going to take like 15 mins so thought i'd post some stuff.

I played for about 4 and a half hours today, not that much as my friend joey came around and sweated a session and was kinda watching him play on PS3 a little also so was just playing like 6-9 tables. It went pretty good actually, overall up 1750$ for the day, which is defintely a good sign.

I really think my best game is 10 max, so im playing the majority of games there but mixing in a few 6 maxes still, more of them run so i can get more volume in etc. I'm not sure why im not doing as good in the 6 max because i think im playing pretty well, maybe it was just the brutal swong i had at the 200s losing 4000$ in 1 day? im gunna grind out june mainly playing the 10 maxes, as im going to be posting quite detailed weekly results(i hope) and id like to have a decent idea at just how well im doing, hourly wise aswell.

June Goals.

Well i guess i should aim for around 8-10% ROI, im going to be playing 50+100s so if i can manage about 5$ avg profit ill be v.happy, also id like to play about 1200 games minimum. So ill take a shot at making $6000 in just profit, maybe optimistic after my recent runnings, but im sure i can pull it off.

I'll also aim to hit the sharkscope leaderboards once again now i'm playing the 10 maxes more, so; Reach top 20 of $36-100 9-10 Single Seated Tournament Leaderboard.

And last but not least, well maybe least, i'd like to lose -5lbs. I've recently been playing Wii Fit and its really good, the wii in general actually. I've been dabbling in a bit of yoga... seriously, lol. The Wii fit board weights you etc, so ill know if i hit that goal anyway.

3 Goals, might add some more but they will do for now, my tournament is starting.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Return of the blogging(May results)

Sorry i haven't been posting in a while, mainly due to some rough patches and the fact i've been trying to get in alot of volume and guess i've just been a bit busy. i have been playing alot of 6 max games, mainly at the 100$/200$ level, and unfortuantely ran bad at the 200s, pretty frustrating, so May was just full of grinding the 50/100s games, then going back to the 200s and just getting 3 outted. Also suffered some problems with the network, which happend while i had 9 tables open, 4 of them being 200$ games 5 being 100$ games, i managed to get a refund on these so that was cool, frustrating but cool.

May: Total profit: 1300$+ the 1300$ refund = 2600$.
Rakeback: 3500$
Total made in may: 6100$

So, forgetting about the running bad at the biggest game etcs, it wasnt as bad as a month as i thought it was. Im pretty confident in my 6 max game, although im sure i still have a few leaks im trying to patch compared to my 9-10 max games.

June is starting off ok, im playing more 10 max games again, mixing in a few 100$ 6 maxes. im basically playing 9 tables of 10 max + 3 6 max tables on the side for a decent hourly hopefully. Im gunna try post weekly/monthly results from now on and post some random crap when im bored, which will hopefully be every saturday which happens to be at the end of the first week of june, so good timing to start posting my weekly results.

take care.